FROM Pattabi’s NOTEBOOK A Study on Loss making PSUs The DPE has been publishing annual survey of PSUs . One can infer from that how many units are in profit mode and how many are in the loss making mode. The Survey is listing details of every PSU on the basis of their cognate group like telecom, power, chemicals etc. NITI Aayog is giving its recommendations whenever warranted. Parliamentary committee is also interested to study about the PSUs and even special sittings are there for loss making units. This note is a compilation of some prime findings of above said agencies.. As per the 16-17 survey the loss making units are more in numbers (82 ) comparing 71 units of 17-18. More detailed study about 16-17 is found involving NITi Aaayog, CII etc. Analyzing the 'Loss Making PSUs of 2016-17' of the 82 units ,below 20 cr loss making units are 41 in number, between 20 cr to 50 cr 9 psus , between 50-100 cr 8 Psus, above 100 c