Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bertrand Arthur William Russell was a (1872-1970)  Nobel Laureate, Philosopher, Social and political critic, mathematician, voluminous writer of England. He was a teacher for Social Democracy at LSE. During his official visit to Soviet Union, he met Lenin  . He had his correspondence with Nehru and Chou of China. He was a friend of V K Krishna Menon. Russel- Einstein manifesto for Nuclear Disarmament was issued during 1955. He associated with Sartre also.

This book of Russel  PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM during 1918 is really a brilliant analysis of the dominant currents viz Marxism of Marx, Anarchism of Bakunin- Kropotkin and Syndicalism- Guild socialism . After analyzing fairly the works of the great masters, Russell arrived closer to Guild socialists ( quoting G D H Cole) with a slight bend towards Anarchists. The Price of the Hard cover of this book  is more than 25 dollars, even the paperback is 10 dollars. I have given  the full text of that book in Word Document in 144 pages (A 4) in my Face Book.  I have highlighted the portions where I found good arguments, underlined the portions with highlights where the arguments getting stronger. Next Year 2017 is marking  the centenary of Soviet Revolution (  Indira Gandhi's Centenary also). 2018 will mark the 100th year Russel's Book- Proposed Roads to Freedom

Monday, August 22, 2016

 Unfortunately I returned back the book “India at Turning Point - the Road to Good Governance    by  T S R  Subramaniyan”  to kindle store before finishing the same. I was in its mid locations. Unconsciously I returned back  that one. But  I managed to get an idea about his mindset ( though not I claim 100 % right).. some of  the portion of that book was like the vies of radical democrat… some portions like a RSS background intellectual.  Almost all the attacks are against Congress Ministers, he has ridiculed them like anything for the policies adopted in the last 10 years during  Shri Manmohan’s  Period. T S R Subramaniyan, our former Cabinet Secretary- one can view him in all English channels in prime time debates.  He  belongs to Thanjavur and emerged from there to  Highest administrative level.   My humble opinion is   -this book is  not  written without any prejudice.Amazon Hard cover Price Rs 506.  Some excerpts…
·         Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel knew the country well. However, Nehru was more westernized, a product of a liberal England, and had enormous empathy for the Indian, coupled with intellect, without detailed knowledge of the Indian mentality, as possessed by say, Patel. One is entitled to one’s views—many great traditions and achievements that we now have, could be attributed to Jawaharlal Nehru.
·         Indira Gandhi was a special case, she had understood India better than her father. However, she did her bit to destroy many sacred institutions, for which we pay the price today
·         massive mandate given to him (Rajiv)through a two-third majority in Parliament—a luxury no future leader is likely to enjoy in the foreseeable future. This is the potential danger of having a young person, with little field experience, with no management and administrative successes in his belt, having the key to the country—we will be taking a huge chance

·         Narasimha Rao learnt his politics at the ground level. He understood India and Indians well, and our rural areas thoroughly. He understood the Indian psychology in the sense that Gandhiji (I refer of course to the Mahatma) understood it. The real salvation for the country will come only when our senior-most leader understands the smallest part of India, and Indianness well. One hopes that the day is not far off
·         Abdul Kalam once upon a time may have been a fine scientist. However, over time he became a Scientific Administrator, gradually outliving his science credentials, moving on to becoming a pure administrator
·         This cross-fertilizing career development model has been emulated by many illustrious leaders in India; Montek and Manmohan are prime examples

·         Ashoka Khemka in haryana has been transferred 43 times in 21 years but having excellent sercvice record
·         the annual pension i earned  for working in geneva  was higher than goi pension for 33 yers work in india
·         most of the anchors on the main channel are self assured  arrogant and think themselves as messiahs of change
·         katju has right to speak, he ought to impose some discipline on himself
·         one learns as one goes along, but to some extent this learning is circumscribed by the principles imbibed early in an impressionable period of one's life
·         Bhagavath Githa   teaches  lift yourself up by your own boot straps, it is up to you to be your own friend or your own enemy, the choice is yours
·         our Indian scriptures give us the ideal recipe- Anayasena Maranam, vina dainyena jeevanam- a painless death after full life, owing nothing to anyone.
·         In any democracy, the most fundamental issues  relate to the education and health of a citizen
·         India  is now having educational shops with abysmal academic standards-- like govt posts academic posts are also auctioned
·         After all everyone will have his own heroes, greatness is in the eyes of the beholder
·         water mafias emerging- robbery rates sale
·         Leaders of the state recklessly hand over the land and mine to big business- crony capitalism plays a large
·         if you sow the wind, you will reap the whirl wind

·         . cardinal principle in administration is that a person should leave the post that he has held in at least as good a condition, if not better, than when he took over the post; this is one measure of performance in a post

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The book Politics Trumps Economis was coauthored by many professionals. I just read that book thro Kindle. The amazon price is Rs 275. Amazon has given the following as its introduction

"In this volume, edited by Bimal Jalan and Pulapre Balakrishnan, twelve professionals illuminatethe interface between politics and economics in the country, illustrating in the process how theirinteraction will determine the path that India will take. Among the subjects discussed are theimplications of the emergence of coalition governments as the norm, the rise of civic activism, the tension between identity politics and development and the nature of the discourse on the informalsector. The essays also offer possible solutions to end corruption in administration and identify thestrategic factors in achieving inclusive growth. With contributions from Meghnad Desai, Dipankar Gupta, Poonam Gupta, Ashima Goyal, RaviKanbur, Sunil Mani, T.T. Ram Mohan, Deepak Mohanty, Samuel Paul and M. Govinda Rao,Politics Trumps Economics is an incisive comment on how politics can influence the outcome of themost well-intentioned of economic policies."

Bimal Jalan,Desai,Dipankar, Rammohan articles are good going. Economic bureacratic intellectuals fighting the political class of India.. in this volume.. But these people were part of our Establishment in their career

Monday, August 15, 2016

Oscar Wilde just lived only 44 years and died in 1900, but his creative writings stand good even today. I have read some of his famous short stories like Happy Prince, Millionaire, Fisherman etc. His long Essay The Soul of Man under socialism was one of world famous essay. It was his expectation about socialist society. Making every individual free from all authoritarian bindings was his dream. This essay was criticized by many for its Utopian, anarchist thinking and focus. I have highlighted certain portions in that 28 (A 4) pages essay. One can read and create some likes on Oscar wilde's creativity

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I just refreshed reading Bakunin, one of the revolutionaries of Marx Period, but differed with him and got expelled from International. God and State is his small book of 60 pages(A4 size). Bakunin explained things in a very lucid way and style. Those interested can go thro that thought provoking literature of him

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Natwar Singh   eminent writer, voracious reader, one of  our influnetial bureaucrat turned politician has authored  many books – spoiled his name in an  alleged scandal, hailed from the family of Princely state Rajas. I just read his book Hear to Heart- a mall of varied information about diplomacy, personalities of Establishment, eminent writers etc.
 Exercpts  from Natwar Singh’s Heart To Heart 
·         interview Tagore gave to the Soviet paper Izvestia in Moscow on September 25,1930. While being polite and appreciative of several achievements of the Stalinist regime, he did not mince words and said, "I must ask you: are you doing your ideal service by arousing in the minds of those under your training, anger, class hatred and revengefulness against those not sharing your ideal, against those whom you consider your enemies?"
·         Nehru  analysed  that Real leadership that counts in an election or in a big organisation is the lower level leadership. Where there is a big boss at the top, this lower level leadership does not develop. Only those who pay court to the big boss can flourish. The result is a weakening of the organisation. So long as there is no effective opposition, it can carry on. But as soon as this opposition appears, it tends to crumple up".
·         "Democratic politics and electioneering encourage, to some extent, what are known as boss-politics. Leadership is necessary, but the leadership should not encourage too much bossing.

·         No other people is so supremely indifferent to history as the Indian. We disregard time. We invoke eternity. We leap, Hanumanlike, from Ashok to the Guptas, from Harsha Vardhan to Akbar, from Akbar to Nehru, paying no heed to disagreeable and degrading events in between.
·         Sardar Patel was undoubtedly among the three top leaders of our freedom movement. He was a down-to-earth, practical man. A total contrast to Jawaharlal Nehru, his junior by 14 years..Jawaharlal Nehru possessed qualities and talents Patel did not and the Sardar was a big enough man to accept this reality
·         Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Pandit represented India at President Kennedy's funeral. I accompanied her.
·         Hemingway's definition of courage, "Grace under pressure."
·         The philosopher, Kierkegaard has written that life must be lived forward but can only be understood backwards
·         Gandhi said "Three moderns have left deep impressions on my life and captivated me. Raychand Bhai by his book, Living Contract; Tolstoy by his book, The Kingdom of God is Within You; and Ruskin by his Unto This Last."
·         From London Gandhi wrote to Tolstoy. He drew Tolstoy's attention to the plight of the Indian population who laboured under serious legal
·         Tolstoy says, "Socialism, communism anarchism, Salvation Army, the growing criminalities, unemployment and absurd luxuries of the rich, augmented without limit, and the awful misery of the poor, the terribly increasing number of suicides — all these are the signs of that inner contradiction which must be there and which cannot be resolved; and without doubt, can only be resolved by acceptance of the law of love and by the rejection of all sorts of violence
·         Dr. Radhakrishnan was not unfamiliar with Marx. In Fragments he makes a startling observation:, 'any sensitive man who takes life seriously is somewhat inaccessible to the public'.. He combined clarity of thought with purity of heart. His sensibility was all embracing. He taught philosophy to politicians and politics to philosophers.... History is something organic, a phase of man's terrestrial density as essential for him as memory is for personal identity.' One regret he certainly nursed. For several years he was a serious candidate for the Nobel Prize. Bertrand Russell, his friend and fellow philosopher, beat him to it.1957, Place: Chung Nan Hai, Peking. Time: late evening. Vice-President Radhakrishnan is entering Chairman Mao Tse-tung's residence. The mighty Mao walks up to greet his distinguished guest midway in the courtyard leading to his study.
·         . I was then on Mrs. Gandhi's staff. "Before you hear it from someone else, let me tell you that Rajiv is marrying a lovely Italian girl whom he met at Cambridge(Rajiv Sonia Marriage)
·         P NHaksar considered self-advertising unseemly and vulgar. His direction of policy, his conceptualising of it, his penetrating analysis of events, his deep understanding of the dynamics of national and international events, could not but attract attention.He understood that "Societies did not die from contradictions but from their inability to remove them." He wanted to change and renew society, but by the right means, right ideas, moral purpose, and at the same time avoiding distortions of reality.
·         Ken Saro-Wiwa was a master of the English language. I read his book with a heavy heart and an enraged (against his tormentors) mind. Here we are at the end of the 20th century, preaching human rights, while tolerating insane and cruel human wrongs. The map of Africa tells strange stories — Mandela, Nyerere, Kaunda at one end, Achebe and Babangida at the other.
·         My favourite Marquez novel is Love in the Time of Cholera. Immensely comic and deeply intuitive. I have this past week read his latest, Of Love and Other Demons. It is translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman.My discovery of Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a splendid case of serendipity. Some years ago, the Rajiv Gandhis and the Natwar Singhs found themselves in Dehra Dun. I noticed Sonia Gandhi had a book with her.I asked her the name. She handed it to me. It was One Hundred Years of Solitude by Marquez. She said it was an extraordinary novel. I soon bought a copy and read it
·         "It is not power that corrupts but fear." Aung San Suu Kyi and fear are strangers.
·         Stalin and Ho met in 1952, a few months before the Soviet leader's death in 1953, "Stalin pointed to two chairs, here is one for nationalists and one for internationalists. On which do you wish to sit?" Ho replied, "Comrade Stalin, I would like to sit on both chairs".  When Ho travelled by train from Moscow to Hanoi via Peking in the company of Mao and Chou En Lai, Mao said, "Getting something from Stalin is like taking meat from the mouth of a tiger!"

·         Suyin married Peter's father Col. Vincent Rathnaswamy nearly twenty years ago. Vincent is a silent, strong, self-effacing, serene, loving, devoted husband. Without him the turbulence, turmoil and passions that have filled Suyin's life would perhaps have landed her on the rocks and not on the safe shores of the Marina in Madras.her autobiography My House Has Two doors.Rathnaswamy, who was for many years a member of the Rajya Sabha. He was educated both at Cambridge and Oxford. Suyin had many conversations with the old man. He died in his 91st year. She has written, "In our first meeting, he asked me about Mao; about China, the Communes, the Chinese Revolution.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Kabir street is the locality of Wealthy People. There living our story teller Talkative man or TM. Dr Rann a research fellow came there but hunted by his wife  he desrted.Dr Rann is always a deserter, a complex character. But  our TM talks less logically thinks more..This one is R K Narayan's shortest novel just running 120 pages.. Simple characters.. simple things but subtle way of dealing life.. One can enjoy RKN whenever one reads.
Thanks to Kumbakonam Comrades.. This book was chosen by the Book Coupon given by them at Vellore NFTE Conference.