One of our Fore Runners View of Centre State relations in the United India before partition Sikander Hyat Khan Unionist Party premier of Punjab in a debate in the Punjab assembly in march 1941 " I have explained that the Muslims are opposed to an all powerful centre because they are afraid that a communal oligarchy in power might undermine or altogether nullify the autonomy and freedom of the Provinces. This is the suspicion that haunts them..... Here is my recipe.. I say, give complete autonomy and freedom to the units and let them be demarcated into regions or zones on a territorial basis. Representatives of the units within each zone should represent their respective units, as also the regions at the centre. The Centre thus constituted will not be a domineering hostile Centre looking for opportunities to interfere with the work of provincial Govts, but a sympathetic agency enjoying the confidence and support of the provinces, a body setup by the units