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National Farmers commission M S Swaminathan committee Report


National Farmers commission   M S Swaminathan committee Report

Serving Farmers and Saving Farming

First Report :   Wake Up call  245 pages  Dec 2004 

Second Report:     From Crisis to confidence 523 pages

In this second report we found paras regarding Agri marketing systems from the pages 396 to 445. Strengths and weakness of regulated market system were discussed in these pages.

Third report: Year of Agri Renewal    311 pages

In this report Research- Tech mission were discussed besides having one chapter about Indian Single Market  . This chapter was found  in pages 128-171 discussing liberalisation. Dr Manmohan singh as PM and Economist favoured  a common single market for agri products. His vision was to enable direct marketing between farmers and NGOs, Cooperatives and Private companies. ( page 129) ( PM speech at Agri summit 2005)

Fourth Report: Jai Kisan National Draft Policy 443 pages

The draft is to end the era of Farmers' suicide. In this report from pages 405 to 412  APMC act, Essential commodities act, Contract Farming act were discussed.

Regarding MSP we found this para :

 Many farmers are not satisfied with the level of Minimum Support Prices and believe that these have not kept pace with the increase in prices of inputs and the prices of other products. The Minimum Support Price [MSP] needs protection across different regions of the country.

In absence of procurement operations all over the country, the benefits of MSP are mainly limited to Punjab, Haryana, U.P. and to some extent A.P.

The prices of crops covered under the MSP remain below the MSP level in many parts of the country particularly after the harvest. Further, the prices of sensitive commodities [not covered by MSP] have to be watched particularly during glut period for quick intervention under an effective Market Intervention Scheme. (page 409 )


Fifth Report Vol 1: Towards Faster and More inclusive growth of Farmer's welfare  286 pages

In this report Shaping The Economic destiny of farmers were discussed from pages 229 to 264

We can see this finding :

The average monthly income per farmer household is Rs.2115 and does not cover the average per capita monthly consumption expenditure of Rs. 2770. Only households with landholding of 4 ha and above have a surplus of income over expenditure. (Page 230)

Another intersting para in this 5th report is linking 6th CPC to take into consideration of  farmers income. The relevant para  is

“The other urgent task is to sensitise the policy maker on the ground realities of farm economics. We suggest that the Sixth Pay Commission may be requested to familiarize itself with the “net take home income” of farm men and women who constitute the genuine majority of our population. A comparative study of the positions of the salaried class and of the self-employed farmers working in sun and rain to feed the small elite salaried class, is in the broader interest of the Nation, particularly in the context of a commitment to inclusive growth. Understanding the economics of farming will help the Sixth Pay Commission to appreciate the social context in which the salaries and privileges of a small section of the population need to be fixed. ( page 240)

Regarding MSP:

MSP should be regarded as the bottom line for procurement both by Government and private traders. Purchase by Government should be MSP plus cost escalation since the announcement of MSP. This will be reflected in the prevailing market price. Government should procure the staple grains needed for PDS at the same price private traders are willing to pay to farmers. Thus the procurement price will be higher than the MSP and will reflect market conditions. The aim of Government purchase is to feed the PDS, while the goal of the private trade will obviously be for making a large profit when the prices go up a few months after harvest. Thus, Government purchases foodgrains for public good, while private traders purchase for commercial profit. By purchasing at prevailing market rate, Government ensures that both farm families and urban consumers get a fair deal. At the same time, opportunities for the private trade to buy and store large quantities of staple grains and sell them when the prices go up substantially can be curtailed. (Page 245)


The Minimum Support Price (MSP) should be atleast 50% more than the weighted average cost of production. The “net take home income” of farmers should be comparable to those of civil servants  ( page 246)

In today's farmers struggle the above recommendation finds its prime placing.  political parties and Kisan Organizations’ are fighting and standing for this recommendations.

Fifth and Final report Vol 2  190 pages  oct 4 2006

 Inclusive growth

In this report details of State level consultations were given

Punjab Consultation with the State Govt and  farmers oraganisations was held on 24th Aug 2006. The Broad opinion arrived during the consultation were  listed below.

Contract Farming not successful

Central subsidy to be enhanced

Industries should be set up near villages with 20 years tax holiday and 90 % local employment

Medi claim policy with 75 % subsidy to all farmers

Quality Electricity Supply

Gujarat type Cooperatives

AI award for Farmers

Punjab farmers should be invited for Pre Budget meeting with FM

Spurious Bt Cotton should be checked

Labour saving farm equipment as labour scarcity

All interest dues should be waived

Kisan credit card

MSP should be linked to wholesale price index. Procurement should be at market price higher than MSP and should be effected in Time.

Pay commission should decide and suggest the minimum pay for the farmers also

Farmer of Punjab could not transport surplus wheat outside due to stringent provisions in 9th Schedule of Essential Commodities Act. It had acted to the detriment of interest of the farmers in the past.

In contract farming detailed guidelines should be specified to protect interest of farmers. ( pages from 133- 142 )


விவசாயிகளுக்கான தேசிய ஆணையம் திரு எம் எஸ் சாமிநாதன் கமிட்டி அறிக்கை 6 பாகங்களாக ஏறத்தாழ 2000 பக்கங்கள் கொண்டதாக இருக்கிறது. அறிக்கை 2004-2006 காலங்களில் வெளிவந்து 2006 அக்டோபரில் இறுதியானது. இது குறித்து தொடர்ந்த விவாதங்கள் நடைபெற்று வருகின்றன. டெல்லியில் நடைபெற்று வரும் விவசாயிகளின் பெரும் போராட்டத்திலும் இவ்வறிக்கையின் தாக்கம் நிரம்பவே இருப்பதைக் காணமுடிகிறது.

இந்த 2000 பக்கங்கள் நிறைந்த அறிக்கை தமிழில் கிடைக்கிறதா- இருந்தால் அறிந்துகொள்ள விழைகிறேன்.

தமிழில் இல்லையெனில் பெரும் அரசியல் அமைப்புகளாக இருக்கும் திமுக, அதிமுக, பாமக, தேமுதிக, மதிமுக, நம் தமிழர், மய்யம், இடதுசாரிகள், வாழ்வுரிமை கட்சிகள்- மற்றும் வர்க்க அமைப்புகள், ஆர்வம் உள்ள தனிநபர்கள்  ஆளுக்கு கொஞ்ச பக்கங்கள் பொறுப்பெடுத்துக்கொண்டு 2000 பக்கங்களையும் இணையவெளியிலாவது கிடைக்க செய்யலாம். தேவைக்கேற்ப பிரிண்ட் போட்டுக்கொடுக்கலாம்.

தொடர்புடையவர்கள் தமிழில் படிக்கும்போது மேலும் புரிதல் கூடுதலாக வாய்ப்பு கிடைக்கும் எனபதே உளக்கிடக்கை.








  1. Yearly 8-10% increase in MSP enough. But any parasitical middle/educated/political class is ready except bla bla talks&writings?


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