Com Baskar, Chennai based TU leader of SastriBhawan has sent me a serious book that needs intensive and responsible debate. The book was originally written in Telugu- then translated to English and now we have its tamil translation. The author Renganayakkamma was already known for her works of Marx's Capital and she is known for her novels also.She has been consistently fighting for Marxist interpretation of soicety and struggles. This book is "For the sloution of Caste- Buddha is not enough- Ambedkar is not enough either- MARX is a must".. Its tamil tittle is ”சாதிய பிரச்சனைக்கு தீர்வு: புத்தர் போதாது அம்பேத்காரும் போதாது -மார்க்ஸ் அவசியத்தேவை”
I have just started reading the book. It is more than 400 pages book. Critical examination is needed about that book also. I hope that I can complete the book within a short span of time and can say some of my impression about the methodology and presentation, issues handled. Thanks to com Baskar for introducing this book
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